Monday, August 06, 2007



Afforestation of Pine in Sri Lanka was commenced in 1965, aiming to minimize the soil erosion in barren land and to prevent encroachment of these lands. Pine is a major plantation species planted by the Forest Department and so there is a considerable volume of Pine timber that is released in to the market. But as a result of lack of knowledge on preservative and treatment techniques and lack of information dissemination, most of the Pine logs are sold for temporary construction purposes ( Ex: Shuttering ) rather than using them for sold in a value added form.
Hence under this marketing plan, it has been proposed to manufacture a “Chest bookcase”, which has three drawers at the bottom and two small drawers at the top. Consumes only 37.5 cm width, so it is easy to handle and more books, magazines as well as other small goods can also be kept on the shelf. Product will be freely delivered after purchasing. Competitiveness can be raised from same class timber species such as treated Rubber. But new Rubber clones are available in small girths where large girths are possible for taking from Pine.
A marketing plan for the developed product can be given by four P’s which consist of Product, Price, Place and Promotion. At present one cubic foot is about 170 rupees at the State Tiber Cooperation Depots. Hence after calculating the transport costs, labor costs, treatment and seasoning costs, this product can be sold to 12,900 rupees keeping 4000 rupees of a profit. The company will be located at Kandy, because most of the Pine resource is available in plantations found in Kandy. Hence the transport cost will be minimized and so the product can be sold at a reasonable price. Also the possibility for attacking blue stain is really less. The product will be promoted by advertisements, distributing brochures at furniture exhibitions and launching a web site.
According to the product-market strategy analysis, the new product can be sold to the existing markets as Colombo, Kandy, Galle, Moratuwa etc and it can be sold at new markets which consists of exporting markets where countries as Western Europe, Eastern Europe and North America. The timber has its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities as well as threats.
Due to the information dissemination of proper treatment and preservation techniques utilizing Pine timber for furniture manufacturing is significantly low. Hence it is really urgent to organize promotion campaigns to disseminate information among respective stakeholders. Also it is necessary to develop a marketing information system for Pine wood in order to create appropriate demand among the end users. So such actions should be implemented as possible to avoid unnecessary waste of large volume of Pine which expected to be released to the markets in the incoming years.



Poverty can be defined as the state of non fulfillment of minimum requirements of food, shelter, clothing which are the components of basic needs of the people. It refers to forms of economic, social and psychological deprivation occurring among people lacking sufficient ownership, control or access to resources fro minimum required level of living. Hence the World Bank proposes to attack poverty in three distinct ways: promoting opportunities, facilitating empowerment, and enhancing security. (World Bank 2001). Social forestry addresses this concept of poverty in all these three different ways.

Social forestry refers to carrying out a number of specific forest management objectives with the local participation and aiming at fulfillment of local needs for forest products and services. Forests reduce poverty in two ways, by providing tangible benefits as well as by providing intangible benefits. Tangible benefits refer to the food, shelter, cloths, construction materials and mulch. Besides meeting their basic needs, they provide gainful employment and income through selling of minor products to external market. Intangible benefits consist of Carbon sequestration, Replacement of fossil fuels, Water conservation, Soil conservation as well as Aesthetic and ecotourism. These services provide additional financial benefits to the involving communities.

When considering this issue on Sri Lankan perspective National Forest Policy and forestry Sector Master Plan have promoted the concept of social forestry with the active participation of forest fringe communities. Several social forestry programmes have been taken place in Sri Lankan history from 1982 up to now. Forest resource management project and Sri Lanka - Australia natural resource management project are more significant here. By establishing farmer’s woodlots, reforestation of degraded lands, increased ecotourism and promotion of marketing opportunities have brought additional income along with increasing the living standards of the community.

Recent policy shifts and multilateral forestry development projects have attempted to reintegrate communities with the public sector, however it is apparent that fundamental transfers of authority to local groups have not yet taken place nor the legal steps been made to allow this to happen. Because state has generally left rural committees out of forestry sector decision making. To avoid this circumstance, the forest fringe communities must integrate to decision making processes as well as it is necessary to formulate a policy that is based on the grass root level needs and is implementable.
No country can improve its quality of life and standard of living unless its human resources are wedded to natural resources. Hence, if the concepts of social forestry are taken place effectively, it truly can contribute to total poverty reduction in near future……

Friday, August 03, 2007

Planting trees in wet boggy soil.

Wet boggy soil is which the soil is badly or imperfectly drained. Generally these areas can be find high rainfall areas. The surfaces have no connection to ground water sources. When rainwater is trapped in bag mosses, their extraordinary capacity to retain water raises the water table to just a few centimeters. The vertical water exchange is very low. Rainwater seeps through the upper peat layers at a rate of the bog soil. The boggy soil is poorly drained area, a climate where precipitation exceeds evaporation & a nutrient poor environment that favors peat mosses in their ecologic competition against higher plants. Growth of higher plants is also curbed by peat mosses themselves, because they bind available nutrients & render the bog water acidic, with a pH of 3 – 4.
Only a limited variety of highly specialized higher plants can survives on boggy soil. They have to be acid resistant & able to take root in a spongy, extremely wet, oxygen poor environment. Nutrients are scare & in their competition for light. The plants have to adapt to the growth pattern of peat moss.
The diseases thrive in wet boggy soil with poor drainage. A free draining soil is a solution. Improving drainage of the soil by sub soiling, mole drains, laying pipes to carry excess water away will help. By addition of fertilizer can increase the fertility of the soil. So apply various methods to improve the quality of the soil can increase the growth of plants on the wet boggy soil.

Review of EIA report of Baseline extension phase 3.

A proposal has been prepared by the Road Development Authority (RDA) to extend the Baseline road from Kirillapone, High Level Road junction to the Galle Road. This is the third & final phase of the Baseline Road Project. The feasibility study for this extension has selected three alternative traces. Option one is Extends towards South from its starting point at High level Road & falls to the Galle road at Williams junction. Option two is, starts from Baseline –High level road junction & joins the Galle road at Mt. Lavinia. The option three is, follows the same alignment as option 2 up to the Attidiya Development Zone & continues south from this point onwards & crosses Attidiya Mirihana road. Then follows up to Galle road. The trace/s has been designed to a speed of 70 km/hr with dual 3 lanes. Option 3 has been identified & selected as the preferred alternative for further studies & was studies in detail for its environmental impacts.
The cost of this was estimated at Sri Lanka Rupees 4771 million. The feasibility study has revealed that the proposed project would affect 448 buildings with the complete demolition of 337 properties & partial demolition of 111. The scope of this study covers the present status of the environment in the project area & the likely effects of the project on the physical, biological & socio economic environment. Mitigatory measures to minimize or eradicate the adverse environmental consequences are also detailed in the report along with a monitoring plan to ensure that the mitigatory measures proposed will be carried out on long term basis.
When consider the project area, it belongs to three local government authorities; Dehiwala/Mount Lavinia MC, Colombo MC & Ratmalana DS Division. Majority of the affected population live in Dehiwala MC area. In the proposed road reservation about 80% of the land is used for residential purposes. Social infrastructure facilities in the area fairly developed & expect in low income communities majority of the population enjoy good standard of living with regard to schooling, health care, transportation etc. due to urbanization the ecological resources in the project area are limited to home gardens, water bodies, streams & two patches of degraded marshes in Attidiya, Kawdana & Badowita. The area has uniform climatological condition prevail over the full extent with little local variation. Drainage pattern is thus primarily a result of topographical variations.
When we consider the environmental impacts they divided the environment in to three parts. They are Physical, Biological & Socio economics environments. And they divided each one in to several parameters & identified several impacts that relevant to the project. Eg; Impact on noise/land use/ air etc.
When consider the mitigatory measures, the report included the measures in more details. Most of them are very adoptable to Sri Lanka.
When consider whole EIA report the project will be a very important & useful project

Review of policies related to waste management in Sri Lanka.

Waste is a growing problem in Sri Lanka aggravated in the absence of proper management systems. Waste includes any matter prescribe to be waste & any matter, whether liquid, solid, gaseous or radioactive, which is discharged, emitted or deposited in the environment in such volume, constituency or manner as to cause an alternation of the environment. Mainly there are two types of wastes. They are solid waste and hazardous waste. Solid waste is described as non liquid waste material arising from domestic, trade, commercial, industrial & agricultural activities as well as waste arising from public sectors. Hazardous wastes have become an important environmental matter in many countries including Sri Lanka.
Mismanagement of waste & its improper lead to health & environmental problems. Air pollution, water pollution can arise because of the waste. Mainly hazardous wastes make serious health problems such as cancers.
Generation of waste is increasing with the increase of the population, technological development & the changes of life style of the people. Therefore policies should be formulated to encourage waste management practices through waste avoidance/reduction, reuse & recycling & thereafter final disposal in an environmental sound manner. When we consider the policies which are relating to the waste management in Sri Lanka, we can consider about the Municipal Council Ordinance, Urban Council Ordinance, Pradeshiya Sabha Act, National Environment Act, Amendment to the National Environmental (Protection & Quality) regulations No.01 of 1990, Basel convention & Rota dam convention.
If someone looks at those acts, he/she can think that waste management is properly happen in Sri Lanka. But actually there are various problems related to the waste management. Eg: Local authorities have lack of knowledge to preparation of suitable project proposals, It cannot be easy to get actions against the haphazard activities related to waste management done by LA,s, No legal mandatory for source separation and producer responsibility, polluter pay principals, etc.
Even if there are problems, many programmes are conducting in Sri Lanka. Some examples for those programmes are Composting programes, sanitary land fill in Mawanella, Bio gas generators in Tamankaduwa & Pathadumbara, Incineration programme carrying by Holcim Company, etc.
It’s necessary to get implementation actions for above mention problems such as educate the local authorities by giving resources, Create a separate Tax for waste management or spot fine system for the illegal dumping, Make a proper disposal mechanism for hazardous waste, etc.
If can solve the problems related to the waste management and can implement the existing programmes, we can make a proper waste management system in Sri Lanka.

Approval requirements, Standards & Pollution control of Tyre Industry

Tyre manufacturing industry is one of the largest industries in Sri Lanka. The tyre manufacturing process begins in the rubber tree plantations. According to the data in 2002 total no. of tyres imported and manufactured in Sri Lanka is 2.1million per year. (Source: Technical Guidelines on used tyre management in SL).
This industry needs several requirements and standards are needed for its establishment and pollution control. Normally use the general standards that given by the Central Environmental Authority (CEA) for any industry. Therefore National standards and requirements for tyre industries should be prepared.
When consider the requirements that needed for a Tyre industry are, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Protection License (EPL). The EIA Should be carried out, if the proposed industry will make production of 50 tons per day. EPL for this industry should not be considered as an approval for carrying out this activity/process at this location. It is only a permit for the discharge of effluents/emissions or emitting of noise levels according to stipulated standards. There are several conditions in EPL. As an example, there are standard levels for noise that generated form the manufacturing process. Those standards vary with the time of the day.
When consider the Tyre manufacturing process, it is a complex process. Basically there are five stages. They are Mixing process, Extruding process, Plies making process, Bead making process and Building process. Wastes are generating in an every stage. The Mixing process has the highest waste generation. It is dust. Mainly the Carbon dust generated in that process. Therefore industries use dust collectors to minimize the dust emission to the environment. Because this dust affects not only to the laborers, but also to the people in the surrounding area. Another waste is rubber scraps that release in various stages. Mostly the industries sell these scraps to the rubber products manufacturers. Eg: CEAT Tyre Company sells their scraps to the DSI, Arpico, etc. noise is a pollution that happens in these industries. The industries always try to maintain the noise within the given levels in EPL. Planting trees around the periphery of the site will reduce the effect of the noises.
Therefore good practices can reduce the waste generation in the tyre industry.

Fuel wood availability, collection and uses in Sri Lanka.

When we consider the Energy sources in Sri Lanka, we unable to forget fuel wood. There are specific characteristics are included in those trees which are using as fuel wood. They are high growth rate, strong coppicing ability, wider adaptation to different environments, nitrogen fixing ability, ease of establishment, short rotation, resistant to pest and disease, high calorific value and additional benefits - Food, Fodder, green manure, timber. Some selected tree species are; Gliricidia sepium, Acacia auriculiformis, Calliandra callothyrsus, Albizia lebek, Eucalyptus robusta, etc.
As mentioned earlier fuel wood is the main and major energy source in Sri Lanka. About 90% of the population in Sri Lanka uses the Fuel wood as an energy source. There are two main fuel wood sources. They are forest resource and the Non-forest resource. When consider the Forest resources, it includes Natural forests, forest plantations, woodlots and abandoned chena lands. Home gardens, rubber plantations, coconut plantations, other croplands, shade trees, trees planted in the road sides and wind brakes are coming under the Non-forest resource.
When consider the collection of fuel wood, women play a major role in it. In rural areas, people collect fuel wood form their home garden and the forest that located near them. But urban areas this is difference. Because they have limited area. So they purchase fuel wood from the market.
The key important sectors in use of fuel wood are House-hold sector and the Industrial sector. About 87.5% households and 49% industry use fuel wood as an energy source. The main industry that uses fuel wood as an energy source is Tea industry. About 326,000 MT of fuel wood is consumed annually. They use energy to dry the tea leaves.
The uneven distribution of fuel wood over the country has created fuel wood deficit in some localized areas and surplus in some districts. The reasons that created the shortage in some areas high transport cost, unequal access to fuel wood resources and less land availability in urban areas.
There are some legislation to control extraction and the transport of the fuel wood. Eg; Forest ordinance, Fauna and Flora protection ordinance, Felling of trees ordinance, etc.
The major advantages in the use of fuel wood are, it is free available renewable source of energy, community based fuel wood plantations also offer opportunities for self-employment and collection and transport of wood from fuel wood plantations can generate income.
But the disadvantage of this is the Fuel Wood consumption may contributes significantly to the deforestation of natural forests, with the increase of the population. So more emphasis should be given to develop the energy sources outside the Natural Forests.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Marketing Plan for Wooden Products (Eucalyptus)

Thilina Suranga Jayarathne

Organizations spends vast amount of resources to conduct research and gather marketing intelligence to prepare excellent marketing plans. A sensible method to conduct business would to be having a detailed marketing plan which will identify a range of options to achieve the objectives. A well laid out marketing plan will not only enable the organization to beat its competitors but also would be able to gain competitive edge over the competitors. A marketing plan defined as a logical sequence and a series of activities leading to the settings of objectives and formulation of plans for achieving them.
The benefits of carrying a marketing plan is Identification of potential market, Setting objectives for the growth of the organization, Mitigate threats from competitors, Identify resources of competitive advantage and Identify the forces of the changing environment. All of this we can summarize and say that organizations plan to survive the changing needs of the market place. Most firms today monitor the environmental factors and then figures out the best method to overcome threats and exploit opportunities. Confusion between the marketing strategy and marketing tactics, Isolation of marketing functions from operations, Confusion between the marketing function and the marketing concept, Organizational barriers, Confusion between process and output, Lack of knowledge and skills and Hostile corporate culture are some of the barriers for to implement a good marketing plan.
There are several steps to prepare a good management plan. They are i) Marketing audit (where are we now?), ii) Marketing objectives(where do we want to go?), iii) Marketing strategy(how do we get there?), iv) Marketing activities, forecasting and budgeting(how do we ensure arrival). Here the Nuwara-Eliya plantation company is going to introduce a new wooden tile in to the market branded as “LEEtaa”. There objective is to convert the whole final harvest in to a wooden tile. As they have 1290 ha of Eucalyptus, the timber supply will not be a problem. The company is going to recover the capital cost within four rotations (80 years) and to have a 10% profit from the production cost. The marketing plan has calculated all the expected cost and the price of a tile will be Rs. 210.45. It will be a competitive price in the market. But some figures I have been used are completely hypothetical. So we have to do a proper market survey and obtained the actual figures before implementing it.

Friday, July 27, 2007



Poverty can be defined as the state of non fulfillment of minimum requirements of food, shelter, clothing which are the components of basic needs of the people. It refers to forms of economic, social and psychological deprivation occurring among people lacking sufficient ownership, control or access to resources fro minimum required level of living. Hence the World Bank proposes to attack poverty in three distinct ways: promoting opportunities, facilitating empowerment, and enhancing security. (World Bank 2001). Social forestry addresses this concept of poverty in all these three different ways.

Social forestry refers to carrying out a number of specific forest management objectives with the local participation and aiming at fulfillment of local needs for forest products and services. Forests reduce poverty in two ways, by providing tangible benefits as well as by providing intangible benefits. Tangible benefits refer to the food, shelter, cloths, construction materials and mulch. Besides meeting their basic needs, they provide gainful employment and income through selling of minor products to external market. Intangible benefits consist of Carbon sequestration, Replacement of fossil fuels, Water conservation, Soil conservation as well as Aesthetic and ecotourism. These services provide additional financial benefits to the involving communities.

When considering this issue on Sri Lankan perspective National Forest Policy and forestry Sector Master Plan have promoted the concept of social forestry with the active participation of forest fringe communities. Several social forestry programmes have been taken place in Sri Lankan history from 1982 up to now. Forest resource management project and Sri Lanka - Australia natural resource management project are more significant here. By establishing farmer’s woodlots, reforestation of degraded lands, increased ecotourism and promotion of marketing opportunities have brought additional income along with increasing the living standards of the community.

Recent policy shifts and multilateral forestry development projects have attempted to reintegrate communities with the public sector, however it is apparent that fundamental transfers of authority to local groups have not yet taken place nor the legal steps been made to allow this to happen. Because state has generally left rural committees out of forestry sector decision making. To avoid this circumstance, the forest fringe communities must integrate to decision making processes as well as it is necessary to formulate a policy that is based on the grass root level needs and is implementable.No country can improve its quality of life and standard of living unless its human resources are wedded to natural resources. Hence, if the concepts of social forestry are taken place effectively, it truly can contribute to total poverty reduction in near future

Tuesday, July 24, 2007



PVC (polyvinyl chloride) - often referred to simply as 'vinyl' - is one of the most versatile of the plastic materials which now pervade modern society. It is also the most dangerous. PVC is used in a broad range of applications, so startlingly diverse that it becomes difficult to speak of it as being single material. It is used in packaging, consumer articles, in construction, office items as well as hospital products.
The chlorine produced by the chlor-alkali process is very reactive than those which produced by other caustic soda production. Because it is highly reactive so, it tends to react with organic materials and forms highly toxic organochlorines. Not only in the production, through out its whole life cycle it creates environmental problems. Especially the additives and plasticizers which are using to give a soft and pliable structure to PVC are highly toxic in nature. Many pollution control measures as dry process, wet process. Semi-wet processes etc. are used all around the world. Which the wet process is more common in most Asian countries. With the technological development the toxic by products which are formed through the PVC manufacturing process have been halted by better management practices. Many European countries have restricted the use of some PVC products due to the danger of PVC industry.
According to the Sri Lanka National Environmental Act (NEA) No.47 of 1980, section 23A and which had then been amended by Acts no. 56 of 1988 and 53 of 2000, industries involved in the manufacture of polymers or polymer based products including PVC, an Environmental Protection Licence (EPL) has to be taken from the CEA for those industries where toxic chemicals are formulated in a capacity less than 50 tons per day or industries where toxic chemicals are manufactured in a capacity less than 25 tons per day, otherwise an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) must be done for its functioning.
Most of Sri Lankan PVC industries are using PVC resin as the raw material. Hence the production of most toxic by products through PVC manufacturing process has been halted in the country. But a considerable pollution takes place when PVC powder is transported to the industrial premises. Waste water is not generated in industries those who use PVC resins and machine cooling water is completely recycled and is reused. Solid wastes and rejected items are crushed and recycled. Recycled PVC is used to produce hose pipes. Solid waste re not burnt at any instance and the domestic effluent is directed to a properly designed soakage pit. The prescribed noise levels had been able to achieve through installation of modernized machines by some PVC industries.
Only very minute fraction of post consumer PVC products can be recycled. Hence most of the countries are implementing PVC phasing out programmes with the association of private sectors and public community. The most appropriate measure to be taken is to use environmentally friendly substitutes for PVC which in tern help to phase out PVC products. the PVC industry, The market saturation has been achieved in Western Europe and North America, is now planning to expand PVC products to the new and less industrialized countries. It is now paramount that this toxic industry should not expand and PVC bans and phase-outs must therefore become an urgent priority for the betterment of future.


The aim of forest certification is to prove the buyer of timber products that the timber used for them is derived from a well managed forest. This is proved by the certification of the forest management on the one hand and the chain of custody of timber on the other hand and is made visible by the appropriate label on the product or its package. The purpose of this is to prove that the forest management has a sustainable basis in line with the decisions of the UN’s environmental summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. According to this, sustainable development or forest management includes ecological, social and economical sustainability.
International systems as well as national systems can be adopted to certify forests those are in conformity with the internationally accepted standards and criteria. Mainly Forest Stewardship Council
(FSC) certification and Pan European Forest Certification (PEFC) act as mostly recognized international systems while there are some countries who have adopted their own systems in a way that their standards and criteria are fulfilling their requirements. Malaysia is one of them, where their national forest certification system works more effectively.
77,542 ha out of 19,292,000 ha of total forests have been certified in Malaysia under FSC. It is around 0.4% of total forested area. After the International Tropical Timber Agreement (ITTA) in 1997, the needness of adopting their own certification system took an importance when the condition came that "all timber producer countries have to have their exports of tropical timber and tropical timber products come from sustainably managed sources by the year 2000".
As a result of this, Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) was established to formulate Malaysian indicators and criteria (MC&I) and started its operation in October 2001 which will issue forest certification for those who are meeting the seven criteria and fifty three indicators that have adopted by them. Certificates for forest management as well as certificate for chain of custody are issued by the MTCC. When consider about the percentage of areas certified under FSC and MTCC, in Malaysia 11% and 89% of area have been certified under two systems respectively.
First shipment of MTCC certified timber has been carried away in July 2002. According to reports, the exports of MTCC certified timber has been increased with the time. Although the forest certification in Malaysia is successfully implementing due to the adaptation of own forest certification scheme and the independent monitoring and engagement of government, the future demand on MTCC certified timber is under uncertainty, as a result of the slow rate of acceptance in the world market due to locally adopted nature.
If the countries looking forward to buy the certified timber from other countries accept and support MTCC certified timber in near future, the uncertainty in demand can be minimized and so then the future for MTCC certified timber will be more favorable to Malaysia.


The unsustainable use and the trading of wildlife has been a major problem around the globe. As a result of this wildlife trading, most of the wild fauna and flora has become extinct in the world. After understanding the importance of this issue, few countries in the world have got together and brought up a convention called "Convention in International Trade of endangered species of wild fauna and flora"(CITES) on the 3rd of March in 1973 which is now developed as one of the largest conservation agreements in the world with 169 parties.
Depending of the degree of threat by international trade, they are being divided into three different appendices in CITES. Based on these appendices, the need nesses of import and export permits for wildlife transportation are varying. The permits for wildlife imports and exports will be issued only if they possess several requirements given under each appendix. Each country has a separate CITES list for fauna as well as flora. Such permit is not needed for those which are not included in the respective CITES list. Although the CITES has given a huge safeguard for variety of species, it holds several drawbacks. Most significant one is that this possesses a reservation system. Hence if a certain register an objection to the listing of a particular species, that country then becomes effectively a non party regarding that species. Also the absence of a requirement for an import permit for Appendix II is considered to be an unfortunate feature of CITES. But some countries have taken stricter measures in their national laws rather than CITES.
When considering this issue from the Sri Lankan scenario, the operation of Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance (FFPO) has become more effective than operation of CITES. Section 37, 40 and 42 has addressed the imports and exports of fauna and flora in the new amendment of Act No. 47 of 1993. Under that, all mammals, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, fish, birds as well as plants and trees have also been prohibited from trading. They are being classified as schedules starting from I to VI. Both negative listing and positive listing are found there. The protected species under FFPO are not imported or exported except in the situations as promotion of scientific knowledge. Import permit or an export permit is needed for the imports or exports of other species which are not protected in Sri Lanka. In such cases also, commercial trade is not allowed and artificial propagation within nurseries or farms are allowed under proper supervision. When compared to the CITES, the drawbacks of FFPO are negligible.
Although this much of protection is given under CITES and FFPO in Sri Lanka, huge number of wildlife trading takes place illegally. This can be as a result of low monitoring and low enforcement of existing laws. Hence a proper awareness of existing laws must be given to public and a separate body must be appointed to monitor the implementation and the operation of laws.
Hence, if the existing laws are taken place strictly and the awareness of these laws is enhanced, it is possible to totally ban the illegal wildlife trading in near future.



Sri Lanka is considered as the highest biodiverse country per unit area in Asia. The protected areas (PA’s) in Sri Lanka include some of the most species rich and endemic rich eco systems. Hence the threat to these PA’s and its wild life is much more increased due to reasons as encroachment and poaching of wild life, higher grazing of livestock, illegal gem mining, collection of non wood forest products ect. Due to these reasons a proper management of these PA’s should be enhanced. Hence this project is implemented in Sri Lanka to protect our PA’s and their wild life along with improving the living standards of community living in the buffer zones and stimulating eco-tourism industry in Sri Lanka.
This project consisting of four components as Enhancing Institutional Capacity for protected Area Management, Participatory Adaptive Management of selected Protected Areas, Collaborative Conservation Planning, Sustainable Financing for Community Partnership Building. With the consideration of biodiversity and the ecological value and to represent the different climatic zones seven PA’s were selected as pilot areas to implement this project. They are Wasgomuwa, Bundala, Peak wilderness, Minneriya, Horton Plains, Ritigala and Udawalawa. The project is funded by the Asian development bank, Global environmental facility, Government of Netherlands, Government of Sri Lanka and it is implemented in 17th October 2001. Although it has been scheduled to complete in December 2006 due to different reasons, the project is given an extension time period to be completed in end of 2008.
The first component of the project is mainly focused on enhancing the capacity of Department of Wild Life conservation for the proper PA management and component B is focused on developing infra structure facilities for both the animals as well as eco-tourists. Completing the Bio Diversity Action Plan and continuous updating of the red list is considered in the component C while component D is mainly targeted on establishing a fund to carry on the community based activities.
When considering about the progress of activities up to first quarter of 2006, the establishment of boundary demarcations, live fencing and fire line establishment are in progress. Completions of park buildings in many PA’s have been completed while others are in progress.
Scarcities of construction materials, unskilled labors, poor cash flow and suspension of construction of DWLC head office have been adversely affected for the improper implementation of the project.
At the end of the project, it will provide a protected area network in Sri Lanka while conserving its wild life resources. Not only the DWLC can protect and observe these PA’s, if all relevant stakeholders as well as the community involved for implementing this protection and conservation aspect, this can be implemented to all the PA’s in Sri Lanka.



Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) can be defined as a continuous and dynamic process by which decisions are taken for the sustainable use, development and protection of the coastal and marine areas and resources. ICAM acknowledges the interrelationships that exist among coastal and ocean uses and the environments they potentially affect, and is designed to overcome the fragmentation inherent in the sectoral management approach. ICAM is multi-purpose oriented. It analyzes and addresses implications of development, conflicting uses, and interrelationships between physical processes and human activities, and it promotes linkages and harmonization among sectoral coastal and ocean activities.
Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) a suitable strategy for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of tsunami-affected coastline. It provides strategies for the present and future coastal resource use, protects valuable natural and socio-cultural resources,Resolving conflicts over resource use, protecting public safety and stimulating sustainable economical development and investment. The modern aspect is the integration of forestry, fisheries and agricultural sectors in order to stimulate sustainable economic development.
In Sri Lanka, the main objectives of ICAM programmes are to reduce physical damages occurred by tsunami, increasing livelihood and reducing the vulnerability of resilient. But the weaknesses of governing bodies, less involvement of public community, less investment and less involvement of private sectors and donors are the major drawbacks of the effective implementation of these ICAM programmes.
By the effective implementation of rules and regulations for the development activities within the coastal zone, encouraging residents to participate in the decision making and implementation of coastal zone management programmes, proper guidance by the government agencies and the better involvement of private sectors can be recommended as short term and long term recommendations.
For rehabilitation and reconstruction of tsunami-affected coastline, ICAM is suitable, but may not be enough. Rehabilitation and reconstruction in these areas requires a lot of investment at different levels from different sources, from national to local budgets, but in particular the private sector and donors. Therefore by the definition of ICAM, only natural and social scientists, coastal managers and policy makers are not enough. Coastal Zone Management with all its components could be a suitable approach concerning implementation of sustainable rehabilitation and reconstruction measures. To achieve this, there is now a chance to coordinate various programmes and combine efforts and funds. However, it may be important to keep the concept of ICAM throughout the process, from planning to implementing and management phases.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Preparation of a Management Plan for Small Scale Teak Plantations

K M T S Jayarathne and S M C U P Subasinghe
Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura
Nugegoda, Sri Lanka

Teak (Tectona gradis) is one of the most valuable timber species in the tropics. It is introduced to Sri Lanka in 1680 by Dutch. At present 45,336.9 ha of teak plantations are maintained by the Sri Lanka Forest Department as homogeneous plantations in dry and intermediate zones. Other than that teak is grown as mixtures with Jak, Margosa, Eucalyptus and Mahogany. The popular methods of establishing teak plantations were Taungya System and PFPs (Participatory Forestry Projects). Teak is maintained as State owned lands, Private lands or Farmers woodlots.

Teak Plantations in Sri Lanka are maintained for productive purposes. Therefore the costs and benefits must be considered economically and ecologically before drawing up proper management plans, especially for the small scale plantations. The yield from properly managed plantations is obtained not only from the final felling but also from silvicultural operations which are applied at regular intervals. In order to manipulate those activities and to maximize the income with minimum environmental impacts comprehensive management plans are required.

With the above considerations, the present study was designed to achieve the following objectives; (i) to identify the maximum extent of a small scale plantation; (ii) to prepare a comprehensive working plan for a selected plantation; (iii) to identify the environmental damages and possible conservation methods in small scale teak plantation management and (iv) to prepare cost and income values at intermediate and final harvestings.

The selected land (12.5 ha) for the present study was initially owned by Rambapokuna Temple in Rambapokuna village in Kurunegala district (309 Kandegedara GN division, Nikaweratiya DS division). It was acquired by the Forest Department in 1999 and given 0.4 ha to each farmer under 25 years lease agreement. The particular block which was used for the data collection was owned by Mrs. W.A. Karunawathi (policy no RP/FW/30/99).

As the plantation is homogeneous the Transect Sampling Technique was applied to collect the necessary data. A transect was demarcated along the diagonal of the land and 0.02 circular plots were demarcated with 5 m intervals. Total height and dbh of the trees were measured from total 04 plots (42 stems) to calculate the basal area and volume.

When the result were analyzed, it was identified that the distribution of dbh is approximately normal. The average tree dbh, height and volume are 11.22 cm, 8.80 m and 0.051 m3 respectively. Pre-commercial thinning has already been done in 2007 without a scientific study. When compared with Provisional Yield Tables published by Forest Department, this site belongs to “height class III”.

The currant volume of the plantation was projected to the future using the appropriate yield table to calculate the income and cost by time series analysis. It is estimated that 48.895m3 of total timber volume which can produce the income of Rs. 3,094,799.00 (assuming 75% timber recovery in harvesting) during the thinnings and final felling which are to be done in 2014, 2024, 2034 and 2049. The total cost of extraction and replanting was estimated as Rs 636,021.08 for the particular teak block. It is calculated that the Net Present Value (NPV) of the total income and total cost will be Rs 162,528.60 assuming the present discount rate of Sri Lanka is 10%.

The above calculations were based only on use values of the plantation. However it is recommended to consider the non-use values such as soil protection, CO2 absorption, O2 emission, climate regulation etc, using an appropriate method. The currant management plan was prepared only for 0.4 ha because of the time and capital constrains. It is strongly recommended to extrapolate this study to different site types covering a vast area of the country in order to obtain the most accurate results so that a precise management plan can be drawn. Otherwise the management guidelines will be less effective.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Mahesha Karunathilake

The use of chemical fertilizers, high yielding varieties and agricultural practices have resulted in tremendous develop in the agricultural sector. There is no doubt that use of chemical fertilizers has increased food grain production, but the excessive use is now leading to a decrease in crop yield, imbalance of nutrients in the soil, and an adverse effect on the soil's physiochemical properties. Also the use of chemical fertilizer leads to ecological disturbances and environmental pollution.

However, chemical fertilizers are not only short supply but also very expensive. At this critical stage biofertilizers are an excellent alternative for chemical fertilizers. They are low cost, renewable, and pollution free. Biofertilizers are useful as a supplement for chemical fertilizers.

Basically, biofertilizers are carrier based preparations containing specific strains of microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, algae or their combinations. Biofertilizers are categorized in to two main groups.

1. Biological N2 fixing biofertilizers
-Consist of microorganisms which have ability to fix N2 either symbiotically or a symbiotically.
2. PO43- Solubilizing biofertilizers
- Consist of microorganisms which have ability to solubilize fixed insoluble phosphates of the soil.

The use of biofertilizers has following advantages. They are cheap and can help to reduce chemical fertilizer consumption. They provide biological nitrogen directly to the plants. They help in solubilization and mineralization of other plant nutrients like phosphates. They enhance plant growth due to release of hormones, vitamins, auxins and other growth promoting substances. They control and suppress soil borne diseases .They increase crop yield by 10% -20 %. They improve soil properties and maintain soil fertility.

The production of biofertilizers is totally based on efficient strain of microorganisms. To select the efficient strains, different procedures are used. These procedures have three main steps called as isolation, identification and maintenance of the strain.

Microorganisms are isolated from the places which they are naturally live. Then it’s necessary to identify the microbial strains with good qualities. Since isolation and identification of any strain tedious and time consuming job it’s important to maintain the strains without loosing their characters.

The production technology of biofertilizers must be done under aseptic conditions and using sterilized media and equipments.

There are some disadvantages of biofertilizers such as contaminations and mutations during the production process. Also the presence of overpowering antagonistic microorganisms in the soil suppresses the establishment of the biofertilizers. Also the application of pesticides limits the nitrogen fixation capacity of them.

At present the biofertilizer industry is in its developing phase. Still farmers do not want to take the risk of reducing the application dose of chemical fertilizers. So there is a need to promote the biofertilizers among farmers as pollution free, productive and economically sound product.

Norochcholai coal power plant

Sahan Pradsad Jayasinghe

Sri Lanka is facing a big electricity crisis during last several years. Hydro power fulfills 37% of the electricity demand and balance 67% is fulfilled by fuel. Electricity has supplied for 60% of the houses in the country and 40% of the house holders electricity demand still exists. Yet, the electricity demand increases 10% annually.

Due to increment of the oil price of the world market Sri Lanka has been facing financial constraints. Due to all the possible hydro power sources have been utilized and using oil to produce thermal power is not cost effective, Sri Lanka should make steps towards cheep and high power generating method. Coal is the only alternative for this because wind mills and fire wood like modes give lesser amount of energy comparing with coal.

The construction of coal power plant is commenced on 11th May 2006 with the purpose of fulfilling the increasing electricity demand of the country and providing electricity at cheaper cost. Project site is located at the Narakkalliya village in the Kalpitiya peninsula, about 12km from the Palavi junction.

It will be constructed in three stages, with a capacity of 300MW per plant per year, making a total capacity of 900MW by 2010.Project is funded by EXIM bank of china and total project cost is $455 million. Power plant only burns high quality low sulphur containing coal and they will be imported from South Africa, Australia and Indonesia.

Before the commencement of the project there were several susceptible socio-economic and environmental problems. According to the EIA assessment there will not be any harm for the environment and proper relocating families process before the beginning of the construction will solve socio economic problems. Some of the major environmental issues would be happen due to emissions like CO2, CO, SO2 and NOX, particles like fly ash, bottom ash and coal dust and cooling water discharge. Losing peoples’ houses and their agricultural lands would be the major socio-economic issues. All these issues will be solved or minimized.

Solutions for power crisis in Sri Lanka

Shanika Lakmali

Population of Sri Lanka in 2004 was around 19.46 million, with population growth rate of 1.1% as compared to 1.3% in 2003 (Central Bank, 2005, 2004).So the population has grown up very rapidly. Energy consumption also increased with population growth rate & development. In the Past years most of the energy requirements were provided by hydro power generations. The use of petroleum in power generation has been rapidly increasing due to the increased use of thermal power, in the absence of alternative energy sources and the non-implementation of planned coal power and hydropower projects. Fossil fuels have to import from other countries. They are limited in supply. That’s why it’s better to go for other alternative energy sources. Such as biomass energy, solar power, wave power, nuclear power, wind power & bio gas.

First solution is construct mini hydro power plants related to the canals & small water falls. They can generate electricity for the isolated villages called off grid electricity & to the main grid electricity. Second one is thermal electricity generation by fossil fuels. The main environmental effect is the emission of green house gasses to the atmosphere. Biomass energy is most important renewable energy source. There is huge potential to develop dendro power plants in the country. Create employment opportunities, save foreign currency, improve rural development are the benefits of biomass energy. Wind power is the other energy source. We tend to build many of these towers together, to make a "wind farm" and produce more electricity. The more towers, the more wind, and the larger the propellers, the more electricity we can make. It’s only worth building wind farms in places that have strong, steady winds, although boats and caravans increasingly have small wind generators to help keep their batteries charged. Energy obtained by nuclear fission & nuclear fusion reactions. But most commonly used nuclear fission reactions. Wave & tidal power are energy sources from the sea.

In Sri Lanka large amount of power generation from thermal power. Mini hydro-power projects very suitable for our country. Also there is a huge potential to develop dendro power plantations in rural areas. Solar home systems good solution for the power generation in dry zone. Since the political instability Nuclear power not suitable as a alternative energy source. Tidal wave plantation have to have more capital investment. it’s a problem. So construction suitable, when under donations of developed countries.

Government should actively participate in promoting alternative energy sources. Private sector should be encouraged to make small renewable electricity plantations. Promote the use of high value public services. (solar powered refrigeration, solar PV or micro-hydro for telecommunication).Establish fuel plantations in coconut estates like crop areas can earn additional income Promote Agro based industries to run their own produced biomass energy. Use plant and animal wastes to produce fuels such as methanol, natural gas, and oil. Biomass energy systems can related to the reduction of agricultural waste disposal problem. Power crisis can be alleviate to some extends by establishing renewable energy plantations in the country.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Prevention of Marine Pollution in Sri Lanka

Sumedha Amarasena

Inshore and coastal waters of Sri Lanka are exposed to various types of pollutants from inland, coastal and offshore sources. These sources release high amount of pollutants in to the sea daily. The pollution will be resulted environmental and socioeconomic problems. The marine pollution due to following reasons.

(1)Industrial wastes is coming from industries such as leather tanneries, paper mills, rubber processing units, coral-based lime kilns, textile factories and batik printing units, arrack distilleries and asbestos-cement plants

(2)Agriculture, Pesticides and fertilizers are used extensively in Sri Lanka. Run-off with agrochemicals drains into rivers, estuaries, lagoons and eventually into the ocean.

(3)Domestic wastes: Except for Colombo, no other city in Sri Lanka possesses treatment facilities for municipal wastes. As a result, all waste is eventually discharged into rivers and seas.

(4)Aquaculture: Most shrimp culture sites are located in the northwestern coastal belt of the island. Aquacultural activities have resulted in the increased concentration of nutrients, the production of toxic metabolites like ammonia and hydrogen sulphides.

(5)Oil pollution: As a consequence of the international shipping route to the south of Sri Lanka, the country’s coastal waters are exposed to oil pollution from the heavy maritime traffic in the area.

(4)Ballastic water is making environmental imbalance due to the pollution.

(6)Degradation of Natural Habitats


(8)Coastal Erosion,

(9)Over fishing and Destructive Fishing Practices,


There is a legal framework provide provisions to prevent the marine pollution under the several authorities. These are Marine Pollution Prevention Act, Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Act, National Environmental Act, Coast Conservation Act,The National Aquatic Resources, Research and Development Agency Act No. 54 of Councils (PCs) and for the devolution of powers and functions to the Provinces. 1981,The Natural Resources Energy and Science Authority of Sri Lanka Act No. 78 of 1981, The Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Act No. 2 of 1996, The Urban Development Authority Law No 41 of 1978 and its Amendment in 1982, The National Environmental Act No 47 of 1980 and 56 of 1988,The Sri Lanka Land Reclamation and Development Corporation (LRDC) Act.

But this legal framework has several short comings such as Narrow, geographic definition of the coastal zone proposed by the Act enforcement and monitoring actions and capacity of the CCD have generally been weak, CCA provides for the delegation of powers and functions to district governments, in practice, the permit system is highly centralized, Coastal management initiatives should be proactive rather than reactive, Lack of participation of local and provincial officials and coastal communities in the formulation and implementation of plans.

Therefore I have proposed some suggestions like Permit issuing process should be decentralized to the local governmental authorities to some extent.

It should be established a new interconnecting body among these institutes, Technology should be updated time to time in this sector,Laws and regulations must be activated in practice.

Review of policies related to waste management in Sri Lanka

Gayesha Jayasinghe

Waste is a growing problem in Sri Lanka aggravated in the absence of proper management systems. Waste includes any matter prescribe to be waste & any matter, whether liquid, solid, gaseous or radioactive, which is discharged, emitted or deposited in the environment in such volume, constituency or manner as to cause an alternation of the environment. Mainly there are two types of wastes. They are solid waste and hazardous waste. Solid waste is described as non liquid waste material arising from domestic, trade, commercial, industrial & agricultural activities as well as waste arising from public sectors. Hazardous wastes have become an important environmental matter in many countries including Sri Lanka.

Mismanagement of waste & its improper lead to health & environmental problems. Air pollution, water pollution can arise because of the waste. Mainly hazardous wastes make serious health problems such as cancers.

Generation of waste is increasing with the increase of the population, technological development & the changes of life style of the people. Therefore policies should be formulated to encourage waste management practices through waste avoidance/reduction, reuse & recycling & thereafter final disposal in an environmental sound manner. When we consider the policies which are relating to the waste management in Sri Lanka, we can consider about the Municipal Council Ordinance, Urban Council Ordinance, Pradeshiya Sabha Act, National Environment Act, Amendment to the National Environmental (Protection & Quality) regulations No.01 of 1990, Basel convention & Rota dam convention.

If someone looks at those acts, he/she can think that waste management is properly happen in Sri Lanka. But actually there are various problems related to the waste management. Eg: Local authorities have lack of knowledge to preparation of suitable project proposals, It cannot be easy to get actions against the haphazard activities related to waste management done by LA,s, No legal mandatory for source separation and producer responsibility, polluter pay principals, etc.

Even if there are problems, many programmes are conducting in Sri Lanka. Some examples for those programmes are Composting programes, sanitary land fill in Mawanella, Bio gas generators in Tamankaduwa & Pathadumbara, Incineration programme carrying by Holcim Company, etc.

It’s necessary to get implementation actions for above mention problems such as educate the local authorities by giving resources, Create a separate Tax for waste management or spot fine system for the illegal dumping, Make a proper disposal mechanism for hazardous waste, etc.

If can solve the problems related to the waste management and can implement the existing programmes, we can make a proper waste management system in Sri Lanka.

Implementation of CDM in Sri Lanka

Thilina Jayarathne

Among the many benefits that forests provide, there is growing appreciation of their role as major storage of carbon. Growing trees, through the process of photosynthesis, absorb carbon dioxide, storing vast amounts of carbon in their wood.

Rising CO2 levels over the past century are held responsible for global warming. Forests contain some 80% of all the carbon stored in land vegetation, and about 40% of the carbon residing in soils worldwide. Deforestation is a major source of greenhouse gases such as CO2 which is about 20% of total emissions. The 1997-1998 fires in Indonesia alone were shown to have contributed up to 40% of the annual emissions from anthropogenic fossil-fuel combustion. Further deforestation will accelerate the problems of rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations that are caused by the burning of fossil fuels.

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was created as part of the Kyoto protocol to achieve the dual objective of lowering global greenhouse gas emissions at the lowest overall cost while supporting sustainable development initiatives within developing countries. It is based on the notion that it is much cheaper to achieve the same measure of carbon reduction in a developing country than in an industrialized country.

The CDM allows Annex I Parties (those required to reduce emissions) to implement projects that reduce emissions in the territory of a non-Annex I Party (those with additional emission rights). The certified reduction units (CERs) generated by such projects can be used by Annex I Parties to help meet their emissions targets while the projects also help non-Annex I Parties to achieve sustainable development. The CDM is expected to generate investment in developing countries, especially from the private sector, and promote the transfer of environmentally-friendly technologies in that direction.

In addition to energy projects, such as saving energy, developing alternative energy sources and active removal and storage of greenhouse gases, land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) activities were recognized as relatively cost-effective way of combating climate change. This is accomplished either by increasing the removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere (e.g. by planting trees or managing forests), or by reducing emissions.

Sri Lanka became a party of Kyoto protocol in 1994. As 76% of the population in Sri Lanka lives in the rural areas where the main activity is agriculture it has a good potential for CDM projects. Energy, Transport and Forestry are the main aimed areas in Sri Lanka. Lack of Financial Support, Lack of access to new information, Fear of adopting new technologies, Unwillingness to take any risk in purchasing new technologies, People’s protests or reluctance to accept new, energy-saving technologies, lack of information on the effectiveness, running cost, operational phase and after sales service, lack of training, Economic and political constraints, New policies that flavor cleaner technologies and ban polluting, Cultural influences are the main constrains to implement CDM projects in Sri Lanka.

Control of persistent organic pollutants (pops) in Sri Lanka

Sulari Antony

The behavior and fate of chemicals in the environment is determined by their chemical and physical properties and by the nature of the environment. The chemical and physical properties are determined by the structure of the molecule and the nature of the atoms present in the molecule. Depending on the structure of the molecule, these physical and chemical properties span a large range of values. Toxicity, persistence, mobility, bioaccumulation, exposure are considered as these properties .It has been recognized that relatively few substances possess the necessary properties to make them POPs. In fact, if the range of these properties were presented as a distribution, only those compounds at the extreme ends of the distribution would express the degree of persistence, mobility and toxicity to rank them as POPs. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are organic compounds that, to a varying degree, resist photolytic, biological and chemical degradation. POPs are often halogenated and characterized by low water solubility and high lipid solubility, leading to their bioaccumulation in fatty tissues. They are also semi-volatile, enabling them to move long distances in the atmosphere before deposition occurs.

The twelve POPs which are the subject of this matter, are used in or arise from industry, agriculture and disease vector control. Nine are pesticides used on agricultural crops and/or for public health vector control. Twelve chemicals which are persistent organic pollutants, referred to as the “Dirty Dozen” have been identified for immediate global action.

The Stockholm Convention is a global treaty to protect human health and the environment from persistent organic pollutants (POPs). POPs are chemicals that remain intact in the environment for long periods, become widely distributed geographically, accumulate in the fatty tissue of living organisms and are toxic to humans and wildlife. POPs circulate globally and can cause damage wherever they travel. In implementing the Convention, Governments will take measures to eliminate or reduce the release of POPs into the environment.

Reducing the risks from POPs is no simple task but it can be and must be done.
The key is promoting shifts to alternatives, both chemical and non chemical.
Alternatives to POPs can be encouraged through voluntary programs, Public awareness campaigns, economic incentives, restrictions and enhancing the rules and regulations on using alternatives. Appropriate punishments such as imprisonment, fines against the users of POPs should be enforced

Friday, May 18, 2007

Review of Policies Related to Land Degradation in Sri Lanka


Land degradation is the lowering of productive capacity of land temporally or permanently. It can occur by natural phenomena as well as human interventions. Although there are several causes for land degradation, the soil erosion appears to be the major reason for land degradation in Sri Lanka.

According to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), there are no any desert areas defined in Sri Lanka. But several parts of the country experience serious droughts and land degradation. Hence, many laws, policies as well as programmes and projects have been formulated and they are under the implementation.

National Environmental policy, Draft National Land Use policy and National Watershed Management policy directly address the issue of land degradation. Under them, many strategies are formulated and they are under the progress. Although policies like National Environmental Action Plan, National Agricultural policy, National Action Plan for Disaster Management etc. directly doesn’t address the issue, they emphasize some strategies those need to avoid improper land management practices.

The projects implemented in order to combat land degradation have been very successful in Sri Lanka. Environmental Action 1 project, Land Titling and Related Services projects, Coastal Zone management project are some of the projects those have brought favourable results to combat land degradation.

Despite the many policies and projects to prevent land degradation are available in Sri Lanka, agriculture lands are being increasingly degraded. Absence of formalized coordination mechanism between national level agencies and the provincial and local level organizations, absence of a National Land Use policy, absence of a single specific body to combat land degradation in the country and delay in the implementation of approved policies are some of the major reasons for the policy and project failures. Hence what can be concluded is that policies alone can not resolve the problems. It is important that all parties concerned are educated and awareness created, so they can effectively contribute to this issue.

Ultimately, it is very important to evaluate all sectoral policies to identify gaps that have a negative impact on integrate land resources. Rapid implementations of the formulated policies are also necessary. Developing an appropriate legal framework to deal with land related issues in a comprehensive manner and developing a mechanism for exchanging data between different agencies and make the information available to all relevant institutions are also very important. If those recommendations are successfully implemented, policies as well as projects can bring out successful results to combat land degradation in Sri Lanka.